I am a 46 year old who walked into a YMCA three years ago weighing 218 lbs.I started walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes and enjoyed it. I went back over and over again increasing my time on the treadmill and started taking other classes like water aerobics and the weight started coming off.I dared myself to take even more classes like spinning, body sculpting & kickboxing and watched more weight come off. I started eating better and working out four to five days a week.I then started journaling all of my food, exercise and the way I felt day to day. Some days were so easy and some days were so, so hard. I started weight training and more weight came off and muscle started to form. I made good friends at the Y who work out with me and support me. I started running and ran my first 5k my next step is to run a 10k.I now weigh 117 lbs and love the way I feel.
November 22, 2007 I ran my first 5K...My time was 29:28. It was one of the biggest achievements I ever accomplished after loosing 100 lbs. I believe you can do anything you set your mind to. Nothing can get in your way.NOTHING!!!
October 7, 2007 I walked a Half Marathon with some good friends. We had a great day! Everything was perfect about the day...The sun was shining after we got started. After, we celebrated at Bombers Burrito Bar.