After my 9.3 mile run on Sunday, I came home feeling wore out. More than usual, as the day continued I became sicker and sicker running a temp and feeling flu like symptoms. I went to bed and woke up Monday feeling the same but again as the day went on I got worse. I went to the doctor's and was told I had a 48 hour bug. Tuesday morning I actually got up and went to work. Big Mistake!! I came home feeling worse than before...burning up. Ed took me back to the doctor's and they drew blood and sent me on my merry way still running a temp of 103.9. On Wednesday morning enough was enough, so I asked Ed to take me to the emergency room. To my surprise I needed to have my Gall Bladder removed. Who would have thought? No symptoms ever before. My thought was....."How long would I be with out running???" (This is the sicko in me....) "I am planning on running the half marathon in October...." GREAT! Will less than two weeks after my surgery, I am back to running. It is alittle tough but I am going slow and I will run that half in October!!